I have had an obsession with quotes for years. Other people's perspectives have helped stretch me beyond my own limited beliefs and binary ways of thinking. Now I believe it's time for me to share my own personal realizations and awarenesses - truths if you will. I will not number them because I believe in natural flow of things and if I write anything that says "10 personal truths" or "40 awarenesses you get by 40"... No, I don't want to be a modern or new age cliche. I don't believe in limiting anything to a particular number. The universe is a mathematical wonder but growth - to me - can be as vast and limitless as that same universe.
So here is my first truth because I'm going to be hosting my first Qigong class this month.
When I have forgotten my body I have forgotten peace and calm.
When I have forgotten my brain I have forgotten my wit and gumption.
When I have forgotten my heart I have forgotten myself.
When I have forgotten myself I have forgotten everything I value or hold dear, including my loved ones.
All of these things connect me to myself, to others, and to the vastness with love and not fear.
When I forget anything I fear everything.
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